COVID-19 Statement

I am proud the lighthouse cottages housed NHS workers during the pandemic. These homes were built for people whose job was to keep others safe, and it was good to continue that during the pandemic. During that time, I worked with guests to refund or reschedule bookings, and am grateful for their flexibility and understanding. It was lovely to meet so many when they eventually came to stay, mostly in 2021 and 2022 and even in 2024.

Thankfully – hopefully – those days are behind us.

When we reopened in the summer of 2021, Joy, Kim and I worked together to create stringent cleaning protocols based on Scottish Government guidance. We continue to clean the cottage thoroughly after every set of guests, with additional checks and cleaning every month, and an annual schedule of repairs and maintenance.

If you have any questions about Covid, or any other aspect of our cleaning and maintenance, please contact me.


Last updated 22nd January 2024